Happy New Year wonderful people!

Wahey it's 2015!

Wahey it’s 2015!


It’s a whole new year! I wish you all the very tippety toppity best for a marvellous 2015. I am not going to do a year in review post as I have only really been sewing for 6 months of that, and quite frankly, I couldn’t choose which of my ‘creations’ I like the best, and I couldn’t describe any of them as ‘misses’. They are all misses in one way or another because I am a beginner with a lot to learn, and I am already looking at my earlier makes and laughing with horror at the seam finishes and bodges I made. But on the flip side they are all total hits to, because well, I MADE THEM! And that’s so fucking awesome! I have learnt sooooooo much in 2014 and my sewing has come on in leaps and bounds. And I am well and truly hooked. That’s a real hit! I haven’t ever had a hobby that has appealed to me as much as sewing does: I usually pick up a new fad, get really enthusiastic, and drop it again in a couple of months. Sewing looks like it is here to stay. I certainly hope it is: I have a looooooot of fabric now……

The heaving box

The heaving box

Which leads me on to resolutions. Half of me wants to call this ‘resewlutions’ but the other half of me hates myself for being so naff. Anyway, here they are…..



LOOK AT IT! And that’s not nearly all of it. I can say that I stuck to my aim of not buying any more clothes until 2015. I’m proud of this. What I’m not so proud of is that I have just replaced my clothes buying addiction with an even more extreme fabric buying one. It’s got out of control. A new parcel arrives with a shiny new fabric every few days. It’s embarrassing. I’m a complete magpie. I decided a few months ago that I wasn’t going to buy any new fabrics in 2015 until I had used up a lot of my stash. Very good you might think, but what this led to was even more frantic hoarding over the last couple of months. “But what if I need to learn to sew with denim in 2015?” KERCHING! Bought. “Will I be able to cope going all year without knowing what double gauze is like to sew?” KERCHING! Bought. “I’ve got so many woven fabrics, but not nearly as many stretch knits and they are the comfiest. Are you really going to spend all year in starchy wovens?!” KERCHING! Bought. And so on and so on. So I am now NOT BUYING any more fabric until I have SIGNIFICANTLY reduced my stash. There is too much to even count, so I will judge that I can buy more fabric when I have wmptied out that big trunk and a couple of shelves. Exceptions to the fabric stash fast: I can buy lining fabrics etc if, and only if they will be used to create an item using stash fabric that can’t be made without them.

This will be emptied

This will be emptied

2: If and when I do buy more fabric in the future, I will try to only buy good quality, preferably ethically made fabric, or even better buy fabric second hand from charity shops.  In my crazy fabric buying sprees, particularly in the early days, I bought loads of cheap polycottons and things that were cute, and a bargain, but not very nice to wear. So My new motto will be quality, not quantity. I don’t won’t to build up another stash like this and I want to sew with nice fabrics.

My first quilt square in progress

My first quilt square in progress

3: I will use up my scraps. I took a quilting course at Beyond Fabrics the other day for this very purpose. It was very pleasing and I have a metre of wadding to play with. I’ll either make a throw, or some more padded quilt squares to use for serving food etc. I’ll also make lots of clothes for small people, and pants, and other small things. I can’t bear to throw my scraps away, so they will be put to good use. I’ve got a lot of them…..

Two big boxes of these scrappy beauties

Two big boxes of these scrappy beauties

4: I will improve my hand sewing. I have booked myself onto an embroidery course at Hampton Court Palace (swish!) to try and find a love of this. And now is the time to say A HUGE THANK YOU to a mystery person who gave me my Secret Sewing Santa present. I don’t know who you are, but you are SOOOO thoughtful! I got an embroidery hoop, gorgeous coloured embroidery threads and muslin and this cryptic card…..

So thoughtful, so mysterious!

So thoughtful, so mysterious!

Thank you SO MUCH secret santa! And thanks also to Lisa from Stitched up from the Start for organising such a nice thing 🙂

5: I will perfect the art of grading up patterns. As a plus sized sewer, this is still unfortunately a necessary skill as most patterns don’t come in my size. I have a pattern cutting course starting in a couple of weeks which I am hoping will give me some real insight into how patterns work, and how they can be amended. Wish me luck!

6: And finally, I will sew: trousers with a zip, a coat, and a proper shirt with buttons. Also, I will sew some nice things for my very patient husband who takes all my blog photos and allows me to commandeer the dining room table with all my sewing things. Robin you are awesome, and I will make you those jazzy shorts xxx

And that’s me! What are your resewlutions (I did it!) for 2015?? Tell me all!

P.S, this is me, in front of my stash, showing how I really feel about not being able to buy more fabric. BUT I WILL BE STRONG!!

Poor me. No new shiny things.

Poor me. No new shiny things.

HAPPY 2015!!!

22 thoughts on “Happy New Year wonderful people!

  1. What a lovely post – I am impressed with your stash only six months in! The grey with pinky circles (fruits?) in the first photo looks really nice. Good luck with your various courses – great you are throwing yourself into it – me too! Happy New Year x


    • It’s immense isn’t it?! Oops! There is some really nice stuff in it though: the one you like is actually black with red apples on it: it’s super cute, and what I gave to my sewing santa person! Glad you are throwing yourself in too: I am very keen to see how your coat comes along: that fabric looks beauteous! Very Happy New Year! x


  2. Good luck sticking to your resewlutions!! (love the word!) I’ve just made some too, one of which is to use my stash… And make a quilt! I think almost every sewer is aiming to use their stash up! Good luck to us all!! And happy new year 🙂


  3. Rosie, you are a sewing inspiration. Those are some fine resolutions.
    Mine are:
    Reclaim my sewing mojo
    Create a sewing space, round tables are not ideal for sewing.
    Make things you want to wear.
    Happy New Year xx


  4. Happy New year! Great resewlutions! Mine are very similar, mainly use the stash including scraps, so will definitely not be buying any fabric till then, work with some TNT patterns in quality fabric, make what suits my style & upcycle! I’d love to take some courses too but work is in the way! Good luck with yours they sound cool, especially the pattern cutting one and i look forward to reading you in 2015! xx


  5. Rosie at Hampton Court?!? So swish, such learning! I hope you have a wonderful time. Best of luck sticking with your resolutions, too–you can do it! Happiest of New Years to you; I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with in 2015!


  6. Resewloutions…love it! And love your stash busting plans. I am going to shop my stash for quilt projects, but haven t even started building a stash for garment sewing fabrics, bwahahahaha! Was looking at Anna Marie Horner knits. I need to learn to sew with knits, don’t you agree?


  7. Your stash-busting resolution is a great idea; I made the same one myself. However, if you’re truly unhappy with the quality of some of your previous fabric purchases, why not consider busting your stash and scraps with some donations? Perhaps a local school with a sewing program, or why not donate them to the shop when you go to look for more? Don’t give in to sunk-cost fallacy by forcing yourself to use fabric you won’t want to wear (or can’t use for housewares.) But none the less good luck to you and we’re all sewing through stashes with you this year!


  8. Thanks for taking part of #sewingsanta…think a reboot may be in order for Dec 2015! I have similar resewlutions…especially stash-wise!!


  9. What fabulous resewlutions! I too have a considerable stash but I am going to go with the comment above about sewing with better fabrics too. I am so green that there are so many great courses near you. Bit of a wasteland up here. Happy New Year! Xx


  10. I love the idea of resewlutions and may have to steal that one for myself! What I have decided to do with my ever growing stash is to only allow myself to buy one piece of fabric for every two that I sew. This way I will trim my stash down, but won’t feel deprived of some beautiful fabric that I come across. I also am considering a sewing challenge to some other bloggers where I send them some of my great estate sale finds. Hope you and yours have a magnificent New Year.


  11. My “resewlutions” are:
    Work from the stash before going shopping for new fabric/yarn. I got the knitting bug but good.

    Sew more for myself. I have the greatest need of new things and the least recourse to buying and yet I end up making my daughter another dress she doesn’t need.

    Make a bed-size quilt.


  12. That sounds like a great list of ‘resewlutions’ for 2015! I like that you’ve worked in so many opportunities to learn new things AND already made a start on that by booking yourself into courses. Learning new skills is so exciting and it should help you power through that stash in no time flat. Good luck with it all and have a fantastic 2015!


  13. Happy 2015!!! Posh scraps haha love it. I NEED to either get rid of my scraps or start quilting, just had a nosy at the Beyond Fabric quilting course and it looks great.
    The only things I really want this year is trousers, inserting sleeves (looking at sew over it courses for that) and feeling confident about inserting zips. For the Mr the skirt he’s been asking for since I got my sewing machine, I said christmas 2015 will be my deadline. I aim to do two projects a month, fingers crossed 🙂


  14. Pingback: Spring sewing | sparkleneedles

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