Confessions and gratitude


Hooray! I’ve got another blog post on my favourite ever website: Curvy Sewing Collective. This time I am posting about my crapness at hand sewing. I didn’t realise that learning to use a sewing machine would require me to sew loads of things by hand. And I am really bad at it.





But help is at hand. Already there are SO many helpful comments from all the wonderful people in the sewing ether. The sewing community is just so damn nice and the people who are part of the Curvy Sewing community especially so. I feel so very grateful that I can learn from so many experienced people, and also that people are so encouraging, even when I post up pictures of horrors like the one above.

I could gush on forever about how wonderful everyone is, but I need to go and follow their advice. I’m off to book myself on an embroidery course! I never thought that would happen!

If you also hate hand sewing or are as bad at it as me: check out all the advice at the bottom of the post here.

3 thoughts on “Confessions and gratitude

  1. Hooray for crappy hand sewing! I’ve been sewing for just over 3 years and my hand stitching stills looks like that. Sewing on a machine is wayyyy more fun… too bad we can’t skip the hand-sewing sometimes!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I used to make a game of it: try to see how small and even I could make my stitches. I also made a game of walking as quietly as possible down our creaky hallway. I was a weird kid.

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